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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start a saltwater aquarium?

Starting a saltwater aquarium involves setting up the tank, adding saltwater, installing equipment like filtration and lighting, and cycling the tank to establish a stable environment before adding fish and corals.

What is live rock, and why is it important?

Live rock is porous, calcium carbonate rock from the ocean that hosts beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. It aids in biological filtration and provides a natural habitat for marine life.

How do I maintain proper water quality in a saltwater aquarium?

Regular water testing, water changes, protein skimming, and the use of chemical additives help maintain water quality, including parameters like pH, salinity, and ammonia levels

What types of fish and corals are suitable for beginners?

Beginner-friendly fish include damsels, clownfish, and gobies. For corals, consider hardy species like mushrooms, zoanthids, and some soft corals.

Our Mission Statement

“Empowering Aquatic Enthusiasts to Create Thriving Marine Worlds”

At Finns Up Reef And Marine Supply, our mission is to be the ultimate destination for saltwater aquarium enthusiasts, providing them with the highest quality products, expert guidance, and an unwavering commitment to the health and beauty of their marine ecosystems.

Our core values are grounded in:

1. Education and Expertise: We believe that knowledge is the foundation of successful saltwater aquarium keeping. We are dedicated to equipping our customers with the knowledge and expertise needed to create and maintain thriving marine environments.
2. Exceptional Quality: We offer a carefully curated selection of top-tier products, from premium aquarium equipment to diverse and healthy livestock. Our commitment to quality ensures our customers’ success.
3. Innovation and Sustainability: We actively seek out innovative and sustainable solutions that benefit both our customers and the fragile marine ecosystems they love. We promote responsible practices that protect and preserve our oceans.
4. Community and Support: We foster a sense of community among our customers, encouraging them to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Our support extends beyond products; we’re here to help enthusiasts every step of the way.
5. Conservation and Stewardship: We recognize our responsibility to our planet’s oceans. A portion of our proceeds goes towards marine conservation efforts, aligning with our commitment to being responsible stewards of marine life.

Our vision is to empower individuals, from beginners to seasoned hobbyists, to embrace the beauty and wonder of the ocean within their homes while actively contributing to the protection and preservation of marine life worldwide. At Finns Up Reef And Marine Supply, we believe that every reef, every tank, and every aquatic endeavor is an opportunity to inspire, educate, and make a positive impact on our world’s oceans.